My Bedroom!!!

We’ve been our new home for 3 years.    When we moved I took most of the furnishings from our old home…..including the bed linens…….it was a quilt I had made about 13 years ago.    After we were here for about a year, I realized, I should have made all new bed linens.     I picked the paint color for what matched the old quilt,  I do like the color so I think its going to stay, after all, its still fresh paint as far as I’m concerned.     I finally got the new quilt (a 2008 finish, like the last week in 2008) done and last week I did a pillow topper for it.


As you can see the color doesn’t quite match, although the color is in the flowers in the border print, so its there, you just can’t see it without looking close.     So painting might be in order for next summer.

We also had other changes,

P1120168 This is a brand new HD 37 inch, top of the line TV.    This may not sound like a big deal to some of you, but for most of our married life we had a black and white TV and when we did upgrade to color, it was a 13″.    You couldn’t see much with that TV cause it was so small, but you got the jest of what was on.     When we moved, we had my son’s 23 inch in our room and it was an old style that took up alot of room.  In fact when you walked into the room the first thing you seen was this big old tv… didn’t matter what else was in the room, all you seen was the tv.    So now with this flat screen all you see is this when you walk in.


See, no great big tv……just this cute little thing that hugs the wall.    We have it sitting on the dresser,  I can’t bring myself to put holes in the sheetrock!!!      The only thing left to do is find a nice set of chairs for that wall…..I’ve been looking but I just can’t find what I want.    I guess I’ll have to go furniture shopping when the weather warms up.


This morning we woke up to a blizzard…..just a quickie one…….it was over by about noon…..but school was canceled so everyone was home.     We received about 3-4 inches of snow…….I think our total for the year is about 40 inches…..we have snow piles all over the place….in the Northern climate once it snows it stays until Spring comes.  DH is already sick of blowing snow……..only a couple of months to go!!!


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